
Your Source of Power

The Battery Testing Capabilities of America's Leading Lab

Battery testing demands are accelerating — fast. With emerging chemistries and new technologies on the horizon in an electrified economy, test capacity has been stretched thin. But that’s not the only challenge ahead.

How To Write an eBook_Battery Cell Module Pack Testing

Battery Cell, Module & Pack Testing

The Basics

Battery cells, modules, and packs each require unique styles of testing to evaluate battery chemistry and validate performance or safety. But what’s a cell? What’s a pack? Which tests are useful during design and which ones should wait until the manufacturing and production phase?

Pedal to the Metal eBook

Pedal to the Metal eBook

Get to Market Faster With Full-Service EV Battery Testing

Hybrid and electric vehicles are the future of the automotive industry. With demand for Li-ion batteries set to skyrocket over the next few years, today’s testing infrastructure will need some help to keep up.

Battery Testing You Can Trust eBook

Battery Testing You Can Trust eBook

In-House vs. Outsourced Laboratory Services

Outsourcing a core R&D function is rarely an easy call. However, with the number of battery devices under test (DUT) always growing, laboratories are getting larger and more complex by the year. Is it worth it to build out and maintain a full in-house battery testing operation? Can you trust an outside partner with confidential new product information and a rapid go-to-market timetable?

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